Structural Member Style Properties - Design Rules Graphic

Component Start Shape End Shape
Name Relative to Node Scale Mirror Rotation X Offset Y Offset Z Offset Name Relative to Node Scale Mirror Rotation X Offset Y Offset Z Offset

Any Name but numbering helps, like "Segment 1"

Structural Member Shape Definition (using your own shape)

Start or End. using End for Node 0 will produce an error Vertex number starting with 0.   Used to control behavioral change vertex by vertex Equivalent to the regular Scale command Yes or No option to flip the   profile shape as established by the Style Equivalent to the regular Rotate command Distance along X relative to Justification point. Distance along Y relative to Justification point. Distance along X relative to Justification point.

Structural Member Shape Definition (using your own shape)

Start or End - for multiple Nodes, use Start of Node 1 ( or other number) Vertex number starting with 0.   Used to control behavioral change vertex by vertex Equivalent to the regular Scale command Yes or No option to flip the profile shape as established by the Style Equivalent to the regular Rotate command Distance along X relative to Justification point. Distance along Y relative to Justification point. Distance along X relative to Justification point.

Start of Node 0 or other Node when multiple exist.

Start of Node 1 or End of Node 0.

Start of Node 1 or other Node when multiple exist.            

End of Node 0 or Start of Node 2 when multiple exist.