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Next Publication:  Oct. 2010

eGuides by ARCHIdigm

Cover - Modern Cabinets, a plug-in to our Kitchen Cabinets 10 eKit has been released.
Content for AutoCAD Architecture
OSMOSIS - PowerSTRIP 11.0 has been released and a 3D three pole switch has been uploaded.
AutoCAD Architecture 2011 - Rendering Materials Review - an overview of various changes that have taken place with rendering materials.
PC Temperature and Blue Screen of Death - a story about crashes during renderings and cleaning out the dust.
AutoCAD Architecture 2011 - Skystatus Bug - a short article about this annoying display bug.
Dell Precision 350 - The Worst Machine I Ever Bought - a story about how this machine went from great to a lemon over the years and what I had to go through to replace the hard drive.
Page Setup Import Revisited - learn about a neat macro control character that makes this routine run the way I like.